Friday, March 4, 2011

Nazar Dosh

The concept of "Buri Nazar" (evil eye) or "Nazar Dosh" is very popular and creates ripples in the mind when any one heard about it. Nazar Dosh is a transfer of negative energy. When a person constantly think negative about another person or object the negative thoughts accumulated in the mind. This vibrating energy when transfer to another object, then it causes harm to it.
Effect of Nazar Dosh
»  When a person is affected by evil eye, then his thinking pattern may get disturbed badly.
»  It might cause unexplainable diseases which are unexplained even by the world of medical science.
»  Similarly when an object falls under the effects of evil-eye then it might be damaged.
Some of the effective methods of removing the evil eye are as follows :-

» Wave salt over the head of the afflicted person and throw it in the running water.
»  Use red chilly and repeat the above step, but instead it is thrown in fire.
»  Hang 7 chilies and a lemon on top of the front door.
»  Apply black spot on the forehead of children, if they are the sufferers.
»  Black pot is hang on top of the house.
»  Black thread is tied below the new vehicle.
»  Take a bowl of mustard oil and look your image in it. Then burn it outside the house.
»  Take seven red chilies, rock salt, mustered seeds, a piece of Fitkari and a lemon and put it in a small bag. And rotate the things three times clockwise and three times anticlockwise and ask the sufferers to spit for three times on the bag and throw all the articles at a distant place.
»  Use coconut and rotate it around the person in odd number and then break it at the cross road.
»  Placed a "Nazar Dosh Nivaran Yantra" in your home to protect against all sort of evil eye and bad vibes. 
    Price : Rs 101/-

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